

Sunday, 15 September 2013

024 - Paya

Full Name – Patience Hammett (Paya)
Group - Rainbow Rain
Age - 9
Origin – Souonia
Power – Dreams
Spell – Peace Shell
Rainbow Colour: Violet
Hair Colour – White with Violet Tips
Eye Colour – Violet
Species – Human/Spirit
First Main Appearance - Episode 34

023 - Gayle

Full Name – Gaylbriele Read (Gayle)
Group - Rainbow Rain
Age - 18
Origin – Naturn
Power – Air
Spell – Mental Mutation
Rainbow Colour: Green
Hair Colour – Dark Green
Eye Colour – Grey
Species – Tontu (Elf-like Guardian)
First Main Appearance - Episode 14

022 - Oaya

Full Name – Oayalene Thornton (Oaya)
Group - Rainbow Rain
Age - 18
Origin – Ascoria
Power – Water
Spell – Chill Craze
Rainbow Colour: Orange
Hair Colour - Orange
Eye Colour – Dark Blue
Species – Human/Nix (Water Spirit)
First Main Appearance - Episode 11

021 - Payce

Full Name – Payce Hammett
Group - Rainbow Rain
Age - 20
Origin – Souonia
Power – Fire
Spell – Pyro Pulsar
Rainbow Colour: Pink
Hair Colour - Pink
Eye Colour – Orange
Species – Human 
First Main Appearance - Episode 2

020 - Bay

Full Name – Bayonette Matlock (Bay)
Group - Rainbow Rain
Age - 19
Origin – Ablorion
Power – Electricity
Spell – Flaming Electrocution
Rainbow Colour: Blue
Hair Colour – Light Blue
Eye Colour – Yellow
Species – Human/Angel
First Main Appearance - Episode 4

019 - Yena

Full Name – Yena-Anne Tyndall (Yena)
Group - Rainbow Rain
Age - 17
Origin – Voliv
Power – Poison
Spell – Yin Yang Dart
Rainbow Colour: Yellow
Hair Colour - Yellow
Eye Colour – Purple
Species – Human
First Main Appearance - Episode 1

018 - Ria

Full Name – Rialeise Laner (Ria)
Group - Rainbow Rain
Age - 18
Origin – Rulara
Power – Earth
Spell – Protective Crush
Rainbow Colour: Red
Hair Colour - Red
Eye Colour - Brown
Species - Human
First Main Appearance - Episode 1

017 - Angel

Full Name - Angelina Phoebe Dawn
Group - Angel Starz
Age - 14
Origin - Magnes – Moon of Cupro
Power - Technology and Metal Manipulation
Colours - Light Pink, Black
Hair Colour - Gold
Eye Colour - Dark Green/Pale Green
Species - Human/Android
First Main Appearance - Episode 79

Quick Bio: Angelina is a heartfelt 14-year-old android/girl and has forest green eyes, she would have a completely flawless pale complexion if she had been completed. Instead, half of her face is no more than her metal skeleton with a pale green glass eye socket, in opposition to her dark green eye on the other side of her finished face. On the finished side, she has straight golden hair usually tied in a braid cascading down her back. Although she is an android and is expected to be perfect in every way, every young girl has there flaws.

She grew up alongside robots on the moon Magnes, having been created there herself. However 7 years after being complete, something extraordinary began to happen to her, after coming into contact with a mysterious artefact (A Cracked Jewel) brought to her home by her 'father' who was an inventor, a human scientist, she began to turn into a real human being. She felt pain through her transformation in its first years, she felt scared of what was happening to her. She didn't understand. She pulled through. When she was 12, she was known as the 'Living Robot' and could no longer be accepted among the people she had come to 'love', she and her father were forced to move to Cupro itself and abandon their lives on Magnes. Angel received her Tamer Tag shortly after. The transformation had also halted, she was now half human and half machine in appearance, but she never let this fact put a downer on her perspective of life. She is actually quite the opposite of the carbon metal sisters and brothers she used to call family. She is playful and full of creativity, proving and applying this to everything she does. Observing people and the way they live and interact, is her way of evolving beyond those she knew. Her cold mechanic heart has a soft spot for protecting those who need it. Her tag animal is a pink flamingo, which represents her jubilant and light-hearted attitude. Her first appearance sees her saving Lucy, she is then accepted into her new family. The Angel Starz family.


In-LINK: Metallic Star Baton

Out-LINK: Hyper Tracker
SinStar: Crushed Heart
Negative: Silver Soul
StarStrike: Liberal Crowning
Tu-Tone: Starwberry Daiquiri
Falisity: Metallic Power
Goddex: Morganite Cube
Sunlight (Midnight) Angelosity: Total Shutdown
StarGemz: Circuit Cycle

Other: Virtual Blast, Cyber Wheel, Mecha Dice, Hidden Spirit, Techno Cycle, Data Crash, Temporal Field, Communication Jammer, Anglin Baton, Angelic Target

016 - Waysina

Full Name - Waysina Louise-Marie Cole
Grpup - Angel Starz
Age - 8
Origin - Earth
Power - Time
Colours - Orange, Black, Dark Red
Hair Colour - Orange
Eye Colour - Gold
Species - Human/Vampire
First Main Appearance - Episode 57

Quick Bio: Waysina is a vigorous 8-year-old girl and has gold eyes, a pale complexion, and curly orange hair. She is small considering her age and has no cares for fashion. She’s rather forgetful. Waysina loves listening to music and watching people play video games.

Being half human and half vampire has its quirks. As Waysina would know. She was born on Earth to Samoan in the future. She jumped timelines when problems and small wars began in her own timeline. Stating her identity as Samoan and Cameron’s youngest cousin, she follows their lives as if she was a part of them. But eventually she is forced to admit her reason for being there and her real family relations when her friends are in danger.


In-LINK: Time Star Frisbee

Out-LINK: Time Jump
SinStar: Generous Fury
Negative: Back Track
StarStrike: Time Loss
Tu-Tone: Kiwi Crush
Falisity: Fatal Time Rewind
Goddex: Sunstone Clock
Sunlight (Midnight) Angelosity: Reversal
StarGemz: Transcention
Other: Future Flash, Hour Lance, Killer Warp, Hopeless Magic, Accelerated Twist, Future Watch, Mind Contraption, Wamaina Frisbee,

014/015 - Clair & Jesse

Full Name - Clairetta Kaydence Delaney
Group - Angel Starz
Age - 16
Origin - Phonex Earth
Power - Music and Sound
Colours - Maroon, Black, Pink
Hair Colour - Red
Eye Colour - Light Grey
Species - Cyclops
First Main Appearance - Episode 48

Full Name - Jesse Nolan Delaney
Group - Angel Starz
Age - 16
Origin - Phonex Earth
Power - Stone and Earth
Colours - Grey, Black, Dark Green
Hair Colour - Turquoise
Eye Colour - Pink
Species - Cyclops
First Main Appearance - Episode 48

Quick Bio: Clair is a 16-year-old girl and has an icy grey eye, a pale complexion, and straight red hair. She is rather short and is a really picky eater but loves to cook, especially when Rian is around to help. Clair has a really amazing singing voice and can play the drums.

Quick Bio: Jesse is a wacky 16-year-old boy and has a striking pink eye, a pale complexion, turquoise hair this is usually styled above his head. He is rather tall for his age. He loves reading comics.

Clair and Jesse were born as one body. Claresse. Upon receiving a Tag for their 12th birthday, two beings where created when entering the LINK. Two bodies, two minds, two personalities. Becoming the Cyclops Twins sharing the eyes they had when one person. One male and one female. But only when entering the LINK. When they’d remove themselves they would again form as Claresse, however for the first time exiting the LINK, both personalities remained, clashing their viewpoints and traits but only being one female body. Joining Aredhel Academy, a hidden school for Tamers, they sought help from one of their teachers who taught them how to separate themselves in life. Jesse and Clair no longer had to share their personalities in one mind. But they would have the ability to reform if they pleased through accessing the LINK and forming as Claresse. After just the first time of being two beings... both felt the strain of no longer having a constant second opinion in their head. They lived their lives separated but are always together, almost as if they were still just one person.



In-LINK: Sound Star Spray
Out-LINK: Vocal Wave
SinStar: Heartless
Negative: Lyrical Shift
StarStrike: Mental Solitude
Tu-Tone: Lemon Va Va Voom
Falisity: Bolt Shriek
Goddex: Coral Piece
Sunlight (Midnight) Angelosity: Photon Chorus
StarGemz: Tender Bulletine
Other: Sonic Scream, Jet Blast, Decibel Belt, Silent Virus, Sonic Puzzle, Ultrasound Cry, Whip Drill, Lairi Spray
In-LINK: Ground Star Staff
Out-LINK: Landslide Blaster
SinStar: Desperate Wrath
Negative: Shatter Blaze
StarStrike: Earth Taser
Tu-Tone: Lime Zombie Luxe
Falisity: Gravel Quake
Goddex: Moonstone Piece
Sunlight (Midnight) Angelosity: Tectonic Shifting
StarGemz: Gargoyle's Touch
Other: Rock Bolt, Rock Riddle, Heavy Rage, Stun Screech, Geo Beam, Olive Grenade, Geo Mimicry, Rasicca Staff

013 - Kayla

Full Name - Makayla Lily Brand 

Group - Angel Starz
Age - 18
Origin - Robus
Power - Flowers and Nature
Colours - Light Green, Black, Light Pink
Hair Colour - Light Brown with Dark Brown Fringe
Eye Colour - Lilac
Species - Human
First Main Appearance - Episode 43

Quick Bio: Makayla is an outgoing 18-year-old girl and has lilac eyes, a slightly darker complexion than Samoan or Lucy, and wavy light brown hair with darker streaks in her fringe. She is tall but slightly smaller than Laraya. Kayla is easily confused and loves watching fantasy movies and Glee.

Makayla, very much like Laraya was only a child when she was separated from the rest of her family, but having grown up as an only child she had to accept the responsibilities that now lay heavily on her shoulders. Finding Laraya in much the same position as she, together they empathised with the other and so journeyed alongside one another silently becoming the best of friends over the 3 years they were in hiding. Her tag animal is a horse which represents her bravery and attentiveness.


In-LINK: Flower Star Net

Out-LINK: Wild Claw
SinStar: Idle Venus Trap
Negative: Snap Stem
StarStrike: Melting Blossom
Tu-Tone: Apricot Fizz
Falisity: Floral Vine
Goddex: Peridot Bud
Sunlight (Midnight) Angelosity: Flora Cannon
StarGemz: Energy Howl
Other: Animal Fang, Transmutation, Immunity, Feline Parody, Pollen Blast, Jungle Pollination, Animal Authority, Forest Flood, Keye Net, Contagious Contamination

012 - Laraya

Full Name - Laraya Clea Swift

Group - Angel Starz
Age - 18
Origin - Temero
Power - Poison and Lethal Gas
Colours - Dark Green, Black, Purple
Hair Colour - Light Green
Eye Colour - Dark Brown
Species - Warrior Elf
First Main Appearance - Episode 43

Quick Bio: Laraya is an 18-year-old elf and has dark brown eyes, a fair complexion, and straight neon green hair. Laraya always has some piece of trivia to share with her friends.

Laraya is almost never without her colleague Makayla. The two are inseparable. Coming from different home worlds they were forced to Earth due to a large scale attack in their System causing evacuations of planets closest to the combat. Laraya having come from Temero and Makayla from Robus. Together at the age of 15 they found refuge in the LINK for 3 years, hiding away from the world until they found a purpose in finding someone who could end the destruction being caused in their system. Their quest to find ‘The Eternal Bride.’ At first Laraya deems herself better than everyone of the AS group, until she matches wits with Melina. The duo don't get off to a great start when both are placed in a life and death situation and Laraya leaves Melina to die when her life is in danger despite Melina saving her moments before, however they learn to trust one another and become good friends. Laraya’s tag animal is a snake which represents her cunning and stealth.


In-LINK: Poison Star Scales

Out-LINK: Venom Slayer
SinStar: Resented Toxin
Negative: Skullbone Ire
StarStrike: Black Fog
Tu-Tone: Mint Julep
Falisity: Poison Touch
Goddex: Jade Runner
Sunlight (Midnight) Angelosity: Wipeout
StarGemz: Tainted Power
Other: Toxic Wipe, Toxic Blade, Mask, Noxious Stare, Pullution Flash, Rapid Power, Plague Pulsar, Liyaiya Scales, 

011 - Narissa

Full Name - Narissa Elizabeth Clarklane

Group - Angel Starz
Age - 18
Origin - Vitreus – Moon of Lapida
Power - Gemstones and Crystals
Colours - Lilac, Black, Turquoise
Hair Colour - Light Pink
Eye Colour - Dark Green
Species - Human
First Main Appearance - Episode 38

Quick Bio: Narissa is a rather quiet 18-year-old girl and has dark jade eyes with tiny gems on her lashes, a pale complexion, and wavy pale pink hair worn loose about her shoulders. She is quite small, and doesn’t care much for following trends, but is always adorned in jewellery. She is terrible at keeping secrets but is the perfect student as school.

Named ‘Narissa’ at birth, she was taken from her home world Vitreus the moon of Lapida and manipulated and raised by Atalya to serve her with the nickname of Nessi. Cursing her, and having her forget her normal life and ordering her to kill her own parents at the age of 14, Atalya’s task was complete. Doing so proved Nessi no longer had a smidge of Narissa left inside her. However, change comes around when Chantelle manages to open up a locked door in Nessi’s head allowing Narissa to plea for help. Samoan removes the curse and Narissa now only wishes to relinquish the hate she has built up inside of her. Joining the Angel Starz she proves to be a very helpful asset, as she is very perceptive and wants to be as helpful as she can towards those she has caused so much trouble for in her ‘past’ life. Her tag animal is a butterfly which represents love and change.


In-LINK: Jewel Star Sniper

Out-LINK: Gem Division
SinStar: Transparent Essence
Negative: Crystal Vengeance
StarStrike: Freak Wave
Tu-Tone: Pomergranate Passion
Falisity: Diamond Rush
Goddex: Ametrine Wing
Sunlight (Midnight) Angelosity: Wing Cutter
StarGemz: Shine Shower
Other: Gem Effect, Crystal Craze, Crystal Blaze, Blood Pearl, Jewel Vibe, Gem Frisson, Silver Union, Nomeissa Sniper 003 

010 - Jarek

Full Name - Jarek Awais Smith

Group - Angel Starz
Age - 19
Origin - Ignis – Moon of Ustrina
Power - Fire, Explosions and Heat
Colours - Brown, Black, Red
Hair Colour - Purple
Eye Colour - Maroon
Species - Human
First Main Appearance - Episode 33

Quick Bio: 
Jarek is a fairly outgoing 19-year-old boy and has deep maroon eyes, a fair complexion and dark red tattoos on his cheeks and upper arms, and layered purple hair. He is average height, and prefers comfortable, thick clothing considering his father works at a ski resort. Jarek is an experienced guitar player having had plenty of time to practice rather than using the LINK to train and become more experienced as a Tamer and is also an excellent cook... But doesn't like to admit it.

Jarek’s father owns a Ski Resort on Earth after having to move from his home moon, Ignis. He was brought up as a Tamer without a Tag. Casting fire spells since an early age. It is very rare for a Tamer’s powers to have been activated without receiving a Tag. The reason being because his mother was a witch. A white witch, who sensed Jarek was to become a Tamer, but knew he wouldn't be able if he did not have possession of a Tag by the time he was 12. Jarek's family had no way of obtaining a Tag for Jarek while on Earth as it is custom on Ignis for a child to accept it whilst in the presence of an elemental spirit. So she spelled him to awaken the power within when he was 4 years old. Jarek trained with his sister Taquia when he could no longer peruse it with his mother as she ventured back to Ignis in attempt to help the last defence fight back against the evil trying to invade, the same virus spreading from planet to planet. Taquia was not a Tamer but helped in any way she could to help Jarek become the strongest Tamer he could be. Jarek joins Charter High after meeting Samoan and the girls at his resort. He had never before entered the LINK before he joined, however he learns to when he learns a spell that allows him to just have to touch a machine and tell it where he wants to go with his mind, like any normal person wanting to enter.


In-LINK: Fire Star Daggers

Out-LINK: Infernal Soul
SinStar: Proud Voracity
Negative: Fire Torment
StarStrike: Sparkling Flare
Tu-Tone: Pair Bailey
Falisity: Wildfire
Goddex: Jasper Flame
Sunlight (Midnight) Angelosity: Flaming Void
StarGemz: Fire Frenzy
Other: Flare Fury, Fire Inferno, Trap Burner, Vicious Flicker, Sparkler, Blazing Flame, Flash Explosion, Flamabilitise, Rommania Dagger

009 - Avril

Full Name - Avriline Hope Mason

Group - Angel Starz
Age - 16 (132)
Origin - Idolon
Power - Ghost Energy and Shapeshifting
Colours - Pale Yellow, Black, Lilac
Hair Colour - White or Black
Eye Colour - Red (Sclera is Purple not white)
Species - Ghost/Human
First Main Appearance - Episode 30

Quick Bio: Avril is a kind-hearted 132-year-old wondering spirit in a 14 year old body and has red eyes with purple sclera instead of white, a pale complexion of a blue tint, and straight white hair. Although she is 132 years old she is quite naive and really still a kid at heart.

Avril lived for 16 years. She’s now 132 years old. She doesn’t share her story with anyone, but Angelina knows how she feels and is trusted with the shocking reality. Avril was born on Idolon. But was forced to flee after a trio of malicious beings slaughtered her family and were on her trail when she escaped at the age of 16. Moving to Earth things only got worse. Avril was unwillingly cursed by her hunters and was left for dead in Egypt as nothing but a spirit. Unbeknownst to her though, the curse was supposed to kill her, but her powers of Shape-Shifting preserved her soul within her body, but combined with a darker spirit due to the curse. 116 years later, Avril haunts the very same temple she is forced to linger in for the rest of eternity.


In-LINK: Ghost Star Ribbon

Out-LINK: Spirit Ember
SinStar: Discipline
Negative: Power Curse
StarStrike: Devil Morph
Tu-Tone: Cranbury Mountain
Falisity: Psyche Spark
Goddex: Citrine Spark
Sunlight (Midnight) Angelosity: The Haunting
StarGemz: Chasing Glow
Other: Sun Punch, Gold Tuner, Radiant Yell, Light Shock, Solar Clone, Amber Flair, Stellar Phantasm, Fear Inducing, Evral Ribbon

008 - Becci

Full Name - Rebeccia Mesotholea Ragno

Group - Angel Starz
Age - 17
Origin - Omne
Power - Space and Matter
Colours - Yellow, Black, Dark Grey
Hair Colour - Dark Blue
Eye Colour - Orange (Sclera is Black not white)
Species - Arachnid/Human Hybrid
First Main Appearance - Episode 29

Quick Bio: Becci is an energetic 17-year-old girl and has 6 unusual orange eyes (the sclera is black rather than white), a fair complexion, and wavy dark blue hair worn down. She likes wearing stripes. She studies very hard and wants to be a scientist.

Rebecca is a known princess on her home planet Omne. She was crowned on her 12th birthday, the very same day she was given her tag. The one tag that retains the balance between the two suns in the Connexus System drawing power from each, her planet orbits both suns with it getting caught in both magnetic fields when it is in the exact centre in space. Becci’s main power source came from the supremacy of the Red Sun until it began to shrink. An ominous force began polluting the planets closest to the Red Sun. Becci, her 3 sisters; her mother and father were forced to evacuate their people. They were situated on Earth but separated on the journey there when their ships were sent to different destinations. With never thinking to obtain each others Tag codes, the sisters couldn't track Becci when the trio attempted to find her. Becci began her life in Egypt. Becci’s tag animal is a Bee which represents her generosity and love for others.



In-LINK: Planet Star Ring
Out-LINK: Planet Rhapsody
SinStar: Alert Rage
Negative: Lucky Star
StarStrike: Parallax
Tu-Tone: Blackberry Bramble
Falisity: Electron Pulsar
Goddex: Beryl Planet
Sunlight (Midnight) Angelosity: Supernova
StarGemz: Galaxy Globe

Other: Galaxy Fusion, Orbiting Moons, Astro Comet, Black Hole, Radioactive Strike, Planet Dash, Constellation Slash, Exploder, Miecca Ring